#main &const Scenarios/ConstantValues/llas_constants &const @const_character &const @const_bg &const @const_default_preset &const @const_sound &const Scenarios/ConstantValues/llas_unique_dress fade out front 0 viewing enable preload ui label|0|1|2|3|4 preload icon muse|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16 preload icon aqours|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|14|26|16 preload icon niji|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|14|39|16 preload ch 204 23002|40|41 preload bg 42 preload bg 43 preload cg 44 waitload bg 1 load default|42 bg 2 load default|42 bg 2 scale 1.2 1.2 bg 2 hide bg 3 load default|43 bg 3 plane 1 bg 3 scale 1.2 1.2 bg 3 pos 0 -40 movement keep bg4_move bg 3 move - - 5.0 /0 /100 bgmfade in 0 bgmfade out 2.5 sound bgm 0 fadesetting type Default fade in front 0.5 volume bgm 5 1.5 wait 2.0 bg 3 hide 0.8 wait 1.5 delay 0.3 sound se 1 enddelay cg 1 load card|44 cg 1 scale 1.6 1.6 cg 1 pos 200 200 movement keep cg1_move cg 1 move - - 7.0 /-150 /0 cg 1 show 0.5 wait 0.6 delay 0.2 soundstop se 1 enddelay wait 0.3 viewing disable movement keep volume_up volume bgm 10 2.0 label niji @karin Karin ||Ahhh, it feels like my knotted muscles are loosening up in the hot water.|| 2 cg 2 load card|44 cg 2 show 0.6 wait 0.8 cg 1 hide ch 1 create ch 1 visual @karin @fes_ur_2 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 pos @center ch 1 talk Karin ||This feels so good that I might even doze off if I let my mind wander.|| 3 ch 1 talk Karin ||Thank you for bringing me to such an amazing place.|| 4 [player] ||I'm glad that you like it. You're always pushing yourself, so I figured it'd be nice to help you relax.|| ch 1 face @ex1 ch 1 talk Karin ||Geez! You say things like that as if they mean nothing to you, but it makes me all embarrassed.|| 5 cg 2 hide 0.5 wait 0.8 [player] ||I'm being honest, that's all. You always have such a strict approach to practice, no matter what.|| ch 1 face @sad ch 1 jump 9 ch 1 talk Karin ||E-Enough! Take that!|| 6 ch 1 face @normal wait 0.2 volume se 6 0 sound se 7 bg 4 load empty bg 4 plane 1 bg 4 color #ffffff40 bg 4 show 0.2 wait 0.3 bg 4 hide wait 0.3 [player] ||Ack! Karin, the water!|| ch 1 face @smile ch 1 talk Karin ||Since we came all the way to the hot spring footbaths, I need to let my hair down at least a little. Now, take that!|| 8 sound se 7 bg 4 show 0.2 wait 0.3 bg 4 hide wait 0.3 [player] ||Whoa, whoa! Oh, you'll pay for that! Hyah!|| sound se 7 bg 4 show 0.2 wait 0.3 bg 4 hide wait 0.2 ch 1 face @surprise ch 1 jump 10 ch 1 talk Karin Eek! 9 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 talk Karin ||If that's how you're going to play then, hah!|| 10 volume se 10 0 sound se 7 bg 4 color #ffffff80 bg 4 show 0.2 wait 0.3 bg 4 hide wait 0.3 [player] ||Whoa! Impressive, Karin! That was a huge splash you made just now!|| ch 1 face @smile ch 1 shake y 3 -4 ch 1 talk Karin ||*Laugh* I kicked the water a little too hard that time.|| 11 + delay 0.5 ch 1 stopshake enddelay waitclick [player] ||You know what? It's totally because you work so hard at your daily lessons!|| ch 1 face @ex1 ch 1 shake x 2 5 wait 0.2 ch 1 talk Karin ||Argh! Enough with that already!|| 12 + delay 0.3 ch 1 stopshake enddelay waitclick ch 1 face @normal close ch 1 talk Karin ||Hey, since we're here, don't you think it's a wasted opportunity for us to be sitting opposite each other?|| 13 ch 1 eye open wait 0.3 ch 1 talk Karin ||Could I sit next to you?|| 14 select ||Come on over.|| select_1 select ||I'll head over to you.|| select_2 #select_1 bgm stop wait 0.3 [player] ||Sure. Come on over.|| ch 1 face @surprise ch 1 jump 12 ch 1 talk Karin ||H-Hey now. Don't say that with such a serious look on your face.|| 15 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 talk Karin ||Okay. I'll take this spot right next to you.|| 16 viewing enable clear ch 1 hide 0.6 ch 2 create ch 2 visual @karin @fes_ur_2 ch 2 face @normal ch 2 scale @size_l1 ch 2 pos @center ch 2 pos @offset_l1 ch 2 show 0.6 wait 1.0 ch 2 move - - 0.4 /0 /-10 wait 0.9 viewing disable goto main_1 #select_2 bgm stop wait 0.3 [player] ||If that's what you want, I'll head over to you.|| ch 1 face @surprise ch 1 jump 15 ch 1 talk Karin ||Whaaat?! H-Hang on a second!|| 17 viewing enable clear ch 1 hide 0.5 ch 2 create ch 2 visual @karin @fes_ur_2 ch 2 face @surprise ch 2 scale @size_l1 ch 2 pos @center ch 2 pos @offset_l1 ch 2 pos /0 /-30 ch 2 show 0.5 bg 2 pos /0 /-30 bg 2 show 0.5 wait 0.8 ch 2 move - - 0.4 /0 /30 bg 2 move - - 0.4 /0 /30 wait 0.6 viewing disable [player] ||I'll sit right next to you.|| goto main_1 #main_1 ch 2 face @ex1 [player] ||Sitting side-by-side like this makes me want to stay here forever with you.|| ch 2 face @ex1 close ch 2 talk Karin ||Y-Yeah, I agree.|| 18 + delay 0.5 ch 2 nod -8 enddelay waitclick [player] ||Is something the matter, Karin? Have you gotten all sleepy because it's so warm?|| bgmfade in 0 bgmfade out 1.0 sound bgm 19 wait 0.6 ch 2 face @sad ch 2 shake y 3 -4 ch 2 talk Karin ||*Giggle* Good grief. You can be so oblivious.|| 20 + delay 0.5 ch 2 stopshake enddelay waitclick ch 2 face @normal ch 2 scaling - - 0.45 1.25 1.25 ch 2 move - - 0.45 /0 /-18 wait 0.7 ch 2 talk Karin ||Hey, I'm going to borrow your shoulder, just for a bit.|| 21 [player] K-Karin?! ch 2 eye close wait 0.3 ch 2 talk Karin ||I'm sick of always being the one who ends up being embarrassed, so I'll make your heart race this time.|| 22 + delay 4.0 ch 2 face @smile enddelay waitclick viewing enable fadesetting type Default fade out front 0.5