#main &const Scenarios/ConstantValues/llas_constants &const @const_character &const @const_bg &const @const_default_preset &const @const_sound &const Scenarios/ConstantValues/llas_unique_dress ¯o @macro_voice_effect fade out front 0 viewing enable preload ui label|0|1|2|3|4 preload icon muse|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16 preload icon aqours|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|14|26|16 preload icon niji|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|14|39|16 preload ch 201 3|40|41 preload ch 202 3|42|43 preload ch 203 3|44|45 preload ch 204 3|46|47 preload ch 205 3|48|49 preload ch 205 15|50|51 preload ch 206 3|52|53 preload ch 207 3|54|55 preload ch 208 3|56|57 preload ch 9999 3|58|59 preload ch 210 3|60|61 preload ch 211 3|62|63 preload ch 212 3|64|65 preload ch 5211 9001|66|67 preload bg 68 preload bg 69 waitload bg 1 load default|68 bg 2 load default|68 bg 2 scale 1.2 1.2 bg 2 hide bg 3 load default|68 bg 3 scale 1.4 1.4 bg 3 hide delay 0.6 bgmfade in 0 bgmfade out 0 sound bgm 0 enddelay fadesetting type Default fade in front 1.0 wait 0.3 sound se 1 wait 1.0 ch 1 create ch 1 visual @ai @winter_uniform ch 1 face @sad ch 1 pos @center ch 1 pos /-35 /0 ch 1 movex - - 0.3 /35 ch 1 show 0.3 wait 0.3 viewing disable animation ch 1 talk Ai ||Sorry I'm laaate!|| 2 ch 1 hide 0.4 ch 2 create ch 2 visual @ai @winter_uniform ch 2 face @sad ch 2 plane 3 ch 2 scale @size_l1 ch 2 pos @center ch 2 pos @offset_l1 ch 2 show 0.4 bg 2 show 0.4 wait 0.6 [player] ||Good morning, Ai.|| ch 2 face @normal ch 2 jump 15 ch 2 talk Ai ||G'morning! Hey, hey. Is everyone here?|| 3 viewing enable clear ch 2 movex - - 0.5 /-140 bg 2 movex - - 0.5 /-140 wait 0.85 ch 3 create ch 3 visual @kasumi @winter_uniform ch 3 face @angry ch 3 pos @right_near ch 3 pos /20 /0 ch 3 movex - - 0.3 /-20 ch 3 show 0.3 wait 0.4 viewing disable ch 2 face @surprise ch 3 talk Kasumi ||We've been here since ages ago. You're late, Ai. The Odaiba event is coming up soon, so please get it together.|| 4 viewing enable clear ch 2 face @normal wait 0.3 ch 2 movex - - 0.3 /-20 ch 2 hide 0.3 wait 0.4 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 pos @left ch 1 pos /-20 /0 ch 1 movex - - 0.3 /20 ch 1 show 0.3 wait 0.5 viewing disable ch 1 talk Ai ||Sorry, sorry. While I'm apologizing, I have one more thing to apologize for.|| 5 + delay 2.0 ch 1 face @sad enddelay waitclick ch 3 face @surprise ch 4 create ch 4 visual @lanzhu @winter_uniform ch 4 face @surprise ch 4 plane 6 ch 4 pos @right_far ch 4 pos /20 /0 ch 4 movex - - 0.3 /-20 ch 4 show 0.3 wait 0.5 ch 4 talk Lanzhu ||What is it? Did you pull a prank or something?|| 6 viewing enable clear ch 1 hide ch 3 hide ch 4 hide wait 0.2 bg 2 movex - - 0.5 /70 wait 0.7 ch 5 create ch 5 visual @shizuku @winter_uniform ch 5 face @normal close ch 5 pos @left ch 6 create ch 6 visual @karin @winter_uniform ch 6 face @normal ch 6 pos @right wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 5 talk Shizuku ||This isn't Kasumi we're talking about. Ai wouldn't do something like that.|| 7 ch 6 face @normal close ch 6 nod -10 wait 0.3 ch 6 talk Karin ||I suppose that's true.|| 8 viewing enable clear ch 5 hide 0.2 ch 6 hide 0.2 bg 3 scale 1.6 1.6 bg 3 pos -320 /0 bg 3 show 0.2 wait 0.3 ch 3 face @angry ch 3 scale @size_l2 ch 3 pos @center ch 3 pos @offset_l2 ch 3 show 0.1 wait 0.2 viewing disable bg 2 pos 0 /0 ch 3 talk Kasumi ||Hey! That's pretty rude, you know!|| 9 ch 7 create ch 7 visual @ayumu @winter_uniform ch 7 face @ex1 ch 7 plane 6 ch 7 pos @left ch 7 pos /-20 /0 ch 7 movex - - 0.3 /20 ch 7 show 0.3 wait 0.5 ch 7 talk Ayumu ||K-Kasumi, calm down.|| 10 viewing enable clear ch 3 hide 0.4 ch 7 hide 0.4 bg 3 hide 0.4 wait 0.8 ch 1 face @sad ch 1 pos @right ch 1 show ch 8 create ch 8 visual @emma @winter_uniform ch 8 face @normal ch 8 pos @left wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 8 talk Emma ||So what is it, Ai?|| 11 bgm stop ch 1 face @sad close ch 1 nod ch 1 talk Ai ||Please let me skip today's practice! I'm sorry!|| 12 ch 8 face @ex1 [player] ||Did something happen?|| bgmfade in 0 bgmfade out 2.0 sound bgm 13 wait 0.8 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 talk Ai ||Actually, I was asked by the Basketball Club to help out with their intra-squad game.|| 14 ch 1 hide 0.4 ch 8 hide 0.4 ch 2 face @smile ch 2 scale @size_l1 ch 2 pos @center ch 2 pos @offset_l1 ch 2 show 0.4 bg 3 scale 1.4 1.4 bg 3 pos -100 /0 bg 3 show 0.4 wait 0.6 bg 2 pos 60 /0 ch 2 talk Ai ||They've been steadily winning games in the championships, and the next one is the final.|| 15 ch 2 face @normal ch 2 talk Ai ||And since winning would mean going to the nationals, they asked me to help them with the final touches.|| 16 viewing enable clear ch 2 hide 0.4 bg 3 hide 0.4 wait 0.8 ch 6 face @normal ch 6 pos @center ch 6 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 6 talk Karin ||That's great! That'd be their derisive... Uh, divisive...|| 17 + delay 2.0 ch 6 face @surprise enddelay waitclick ch 6 pos @left ch 9 create ch 9 visual @shioriko @winter_uniform ch 9 face @surprise ch 9 pos @right wait 0.2 ch 9 talk Shioriko ||Decisive battle?|| 18 ch 6 face @normal ch 6 nod -10 wait 0.3 ch 6 talk Karin ||Yeah, that's it! I can't believe they made it that far.|| 19 viewing enable clear ch 6 hide ch 9 hide wait 0.2 bg 2 movex - - 0.5 /-60 wait 0.8 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 plane 4 ch 1 pos @center ch 1 show wait 0.2 viewing disable [player] ||Then you should be a source of strength for them. We got a lot of help with our promo video, after all!|| ch 1 face @smile ch 1 jump 15 wait 0.3 ch 1 talk Ai ||Right? Well, I'm off to go help them!|| 20 viewing enable clear ch 1 hide wait 0.2 bg 2 movex - - 0.5 /60 wait 0.8 ch 10 create ch 10 visual @mia @winter_uniform ch 10 face @normal ch 10 pos @center wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 10 talk Mia ||Basketball, huh? Why don't we take this opportunity to go watch?|| 21 ch 11 create ch 11 visual @rina_b @winter_uniform ch 11 face @smile ch 11 pos @left_far ch 11 pos /-20 /0 ch 11 movex - - 0.3 /20 ch 11 show 0.3 wait 0.5 ch 11 talk Rina ||I want to see her participating too.|| 22 ch 12 create ch 12 visual @setsuna @winter_uniform ch 12 face @smile ch 12 pos @right_far ch 12 pos /20 /0 ch 12 movex - - 0.3 /-20 ch 12 show 0.3 wait 0.5 ch 12 talk Setsuna ||I want to go too!|| 23 viewing enable clear ch 10 hide ch 11 hide ch 12 hide wait 0.2 bg 2 movex - - 0.5 /-60 wait 0.8 ch 13 create ch 13 visual @kanata @winter_uniform ch 13 face @smile ch 13 pos @center wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 13 talk Kanata ||Well then why don't we all go watch? Let's cheer for Ai!|| 24 ch 13 pos @left ch 1 face @surprise ch 1 pos @right ch 1 show wait 0.2 ch 1 talk Ai ||No, you should cheer for the Basketball Club.|| 25 viewing enable clear bgm stop fadesetting type Default fadesetting flip disable fade out front 1.2 ch 1 hide ch 13 hide bg 1 load default|69 bg 2 load default|69 bg 2 scale 1.2 1.2 bg 2 hide bg 3 load default|69 bg 3 scale 1.4 1.4 bg 3 hide ch 14 create ch 14 visual 5211 @sub_dress_1 ch 14 face @normal ch 14 pos @left wait 1.2 delay 0.5 bgmfade in 0 bgmfade out 2.0 sound bgm 26 enddelay fadesetting type Default fadesetting flip enable fade in front 1.2 wait 0.5 ch 15 create ch 15 visual @ai @winter_practice_style ch 15 face @smile ch 15 pos @right ch 15 pos /30 /0 ch 15 movex - - 0.3 /-30 ch 15 show 0.3 wait 0.5 viewing disable ch 15 talk Ai ||Thanks for waiting!|| 27 [player] Hello! ch 15 face @normal ch 15 talk Ai ||Everyone said they wanted to come and watch, so I brought them along. I hope that's okay.|| 28 ch 14 face @smile close ch 14 nod -10 wait 0.3 ch 14 talk ||Basketball Club Captain|| ||Of course. The more spectators we have, the more motivated my players will be.|| 29 + delay 1.2 ch 14 eye open enddelay waitclick ch 14 face @normal ch 14 talk ||Basketball Club Captain|| ||I'm sorry to have to ask to borrow Ai so close to your scheduled live show.|| 30 ch 15 face @smile ch 15 shake x 2.5 4 wait 0.2 ch 15 talk Ai ||It's fiiine. You're our friends too!|| 31 + delay 0.8 ch 15 stopshake enddelay waitclick ch 15 face @normal ch 15 talk Ai ||Well, shall we get to work?|| 32 ch 14 face @smile ch 14 talk ||Basketball Club Captain|| ||We'll get started as soon as you finish warming up. Ai, you'll be the point guard for Team B.|| 33 ch 14 face @angry ch 14 talk ||Basketball Club Captain|| ||This might not need saying, but please don't hold back.|| 34 ch 14 face @normal ch 15 face @smile ch 15 nod -15 wait 0.3 ch 15 talk Ai ||Of course. I always intended on giving my all. Otherwise it won't do much good as practice, will it?|| 35 + delay 2.0 ch 15 face @normal enddelay waitclick ch 14 hide 0.4 ch 15 hide 0.4 ch 16 create ch 16 visual @ai @winter_practice_style ch 16 face @smile ch 16 scale @size_l2 ch 16 pos @center ch 16 pos @offset_l2 ch 16 show 0.4 bg 3 pos -200 /0 bg 3 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 16 talk Ai ||Let's start this off with a bang!|| 36 viewing enable clear bgm stop fadesetting type Round fadesetting flip disable fade out front 1.2 bg 2 show bg 3 pos -120 /0 bg 3 show ch 16 face @sad close ch 16 scale @size_l1 ch 16 pos @center ch 16 pos @offset_l1 wait 1.0 bgmfade in 0 bgmfade out 0 sound bgm 37 fadesetting type Round fadesetting flip enable fade in front 1.2 wait 0.3 viewing disable [player] ||Here, Ai. Have a sports drink.|| ch 16 face @normal ch 16 talk Ai ||*Huff* Thanks!|| 38 + delay 0.1 ch 16 nod -10 enddelay waitclick viewing enable clear ch 16 hide 0.4 bg 3 hide 0.4 wait 0.7 ch 11 face @normal ch 11 pos @center ch 11 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 11 talk Rina ||I've never seen Ai so worn out...|| 39 ch 12 face @smile ch 12 pos @right_far ch 12 show wait 0.2 ch 12 talk Setsuna ||Ai, you were so cool giving it all you've got! The way you faced off against the Basketball Club with your brilliant dribbling and passing... It made me so excited!|| 40 ch 10 face @ex1 ch 10 pos @left_far ch 10 show wait 0.2 ch 10 talk Mia ||It's no wonder they wanted Ai to help them with the finishing touches.|| 41 viewing enable clear ch 10 hide ch 11 hide ch 12 hide wait 0.2 bg 2 movex - - 0.5 /-60 wait 0.8 ch 8 face @sad ch 8 pos @center ch 8 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 8 talk Emma ||Still, it was unfortunate that Team B lost.|| 42 ch 8 pos @left ch 13 face @sad ch 13 pos @right ch 13 show wait 0.2 ch 13 talk Kanata ||Yeah. They were so close!|| 43 viewing enable clear ch 8 hide ch 13 hide wait 0.2 bg 2 movex - - 0.5 /60 wait 0.8 ch 3 face @surprise ch 3 scale @size_m ch 3 pos @left ch 3 show ch 15 face @surprise ch 15 pos @right ch 15 show wait 0.2 ch 15 shake x 3 4 wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 15 talk Ai ||No, no. Our opponents were all starters. Winning against them isn't so easy.|| 44 + delay 0.5 ch 15 stopshake enddelay waitclick ch 3 face @normal ch 3 talk Kasumi ||Our Basketball Club is really something, huh?|| 45 ch 15 face @normal ch 15 nod -10 wait 0.3 ch 15 talk Ai ||Yeah. But even though the current regular players are always told they're very capable, they've never made it to the nationals.|| 46 + delay 2.0 ch 15 face @sad enddelay waitclick ch 3 hide 0.4 ch 15 hide 0.4 ch 16 face @sad close ch 16 scale @size_l1 ch 16 pos @center ch 16 pos @offset_l1 ch 16 show 0.4 bg 3 pos -180 /0 bg 3 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 16 talk Ai ||They can make it to the regional finals, but they always end up losing at the last second. Even though they're definitely good enough to make it to nationals...|| 47 ch 16 eye open wait 0.3 ch 16 talk Ai ||That's why everyone calls them the uncrowned generation.|| 48 ch 16 face @normal ch 16 talk Ai ||So this time they're really determined to win. I want them to win so badly!|| 49 viewing enable clear ch 16 hide 0.4 bg 3 hide 0.4 wait 0.8 viewing disable [player] ||Well, why don't we all go to cheer them on?|| ch 5 face @smile ch 5 pos @left_near ch 5 show wait 0.3 ch 5 nod -10 wait 0.3 ch 5 talk Shizuku ||I like that idea! I want to go!|| 50 ch 6 face @normal ch 6 pos @left_far ch 6 pos /-20 /0 ch 6 movex - - 0.3 /20 ch 6 show 0.3 wait 0.5 ch 6 talk Karin ||When are the finals?|| 51 ch 5 face @normal ch 15 face @surprise ch 15 pos @right ch 15 show wait 0.2 ch 15 talk Ai ||Um, let's see...|| 52 bgm stop ch 5 face @surprise ch 6 face @surprise ch 15 face @sad ch 15 jump ch 15 talk Ai ||Huh?! They're on the same day as our event...|| 53 bgmfade in 0 bgmfade out 1.0 sound bgm 54 wait 0.1 ch 15 face @surprise ch 15 shake x 3 4 wait 0.2 ch 15 talk Ai ||W-Wait. Maybe they'll be on at different times... Uhhh... If we hurry after the event, we might be able to catch the end!|| 55 + delay 0.4 ch 15 stopshake enddelay delay 1.2 ch 15 face @normal enddelay delay 4.8 ch 15 nod -15 enddelay waitclick ch 6 face @normal ch 5 hide wait 0.2 ch 4 face @ex1 ch 4 pos @left_near ch 4 pos /-20 /0 ch 4 movex - - 0.3 /20 ch 4 show 0.3 wait 0.5 ch 4 talk Lanzhu ||Then there's no problem! Let's just rush over there when the event's over!|| 56 ch 15 face @smile ch 15 talk Ai ||Yeah! And let's perform it with our best!|| 57 + delay 0.1 ch 15 nod -10 enddelay waitclick ch 4 hide 0.4 ch 6 hide 0.4 ch 15 hide 0.4 ch 16 face @normal close ch 16 scale @size_l2 ch 16 pos @center ch 16 pos @offset_l2 ch 16 show 0.4 bg 3 scale 1.6 1.6 bg 3 pos -220 /0 bg 3 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 16 talk Ai ||That's that, so let's get to our school idol practiiice!|| 58 + delay 1.2 ch 16 face @smile enddelay delay 3.4 ch 16 jump 25 enddelay waitclick viewing enable clear ch 16 movex - - 0.4 /-60 bg 3 movex - - 0.4 /-60 wait 0.85 ch 3 face @angry ch 3 pos @right ch 3 pos /10 /0 ch 3 movex - - 0.4 /-10 ch 3 show 0.4 wait 0.6 viewing disable ch 3 talk Kasumi ||Ai, the amount of stamina you have is ridiculous...|| 59 viewing enable animation fadesetting type Default fade out front 1.0