#main &const Scenarios/ConstantValues/llas_constants &const @const_character &const @const_bg &const @const_default_preset &const @const_sound fade out front 0 click disable preload ui label|0|1|2|3|4 preload icon aqours|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16 preload ch 101 2 1|17|18 preload ch 101 2 5|17|18 preload ch 101 2 4|17|18 preload ch 101 2 3|17|18 preload ch 101 2 2|17|18 preload ch 102 2 1|19|20 preload ch 102 2 4|19|20 preload ch 102 2 2|19|20 preload ch 102 2 5|19|20 preload ch 102 2 3|19|20 preload ch 102 2 99|21 preload bg 22 preload bg 23 waitload bg 1 load default|23 bg 2 load default|22 bg 3 load default|22 bg 4 load empty bg 5 load default|23 bg 3 scale 1.4 1.4 bg 2 scale 1.4 1.4 bg 1 scale 1.2 1.2 bg 5 scale 1 1 bg 5 hide 0 bg 3 pos /-150 effection enable Back se 1 blur 1.5 0 fadesetting type Default fadesetting flip enable fade in front 0.5 wait 0.5 sound se 0 sound bgm 1 bg 4 hide 0.5 wait 0.5 viewing disable animation [player] ||(Whew, that hot spring felt great. Big, open baths are the best.)|| viewing enable se 1 blur 0 0.5 bg 3 move - - 0.5 /-80 /0 wait 0.7 ch 1 create ch 1 visual @riko @summer_private @normal ch 1 pos 300 -40 ch 1 scale 0.8 0.8 ch 1 show wait 0.2 viewing disable [player] ||Huh? Oh, hi Riko!|| viewing enable ch 1 face @surprise ch 1 move - - 0.3 /20 /0 ch 1 hide wait 0.2 bg 3 move - - 0.5 0 0 bg 3 scaling - - 0.5 1.2 1.2 wait 0.5 ch 1 pos @center ch 1 pos /20 /0 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 scale 1.2 1.2 ch 1 show ch 1 move - - 0.3 /-20 /0 wait 0.5 viewing disable ch 1 talk Riko ||Good evening. Just getting out of the bath?|| 2 [player] ||Yeah. What are you doing here? It's so late.|| ch 1 face @smile ch 1 talk Riko ||My mother made a lot of stewed dishes, so I brought some over to share.|| 3 ch 1 face @sad ch 1 talk Riko ||There's also something about the festival I wanted to check with Chika.|| 4 [player] ||Actually, I was curious about something, too. I was going to go ask her about it.|| + wait 1 ch 1 face @surprise waitclick ch 1 face @normal ch 1 talk Riko ||Really? Let's go together then.|| 5 [player] Okay. sound se 6 viewing enable textmode Normal fadesetting type Default fadesetting flip disable soundstop bgm 1 fade out front 1 effection disable bg 1 hide 0 bg 2 hide 0 bg 3 hide 0 ch 1 hide 0 fadesetting type Circle fade in front 0.5 sound se 7 wait 1 viewing disable label aqours @riko Riko ||Chika, are you awake?|| 8 [player] ||Good evening. May we come in?|| viewing enable textmode Normal fadesetting type SlimStripeHorizontal fadesetting flip disable sound se 9 fade out front 1 bg 1 load default|23 bg 1 show 0.1 ch 2 create ch 2 visual @chika @summer_private @normal ch 2 pos @center ch 2 move - - 0.3 /0 /-160 wait 0.1 ch 2 face @normal ch 2 scale 1.6 1.6 fadesetting type SlimStripeHorizontal fade in front 1 wait 0.5 viewing disable sound bgm 10 ch 2 talk Chika ||Eeek?! Whoa, whoa, whoa!|| 11 + ef 1 load intensive ef 1 play ch 2 face @surprise ch 2 shake x 5 8 wait 0.5 ch 2 stopshake wait 0.8 ch 2 move - - 0.3 /0 /-80 ch 2 hide 0.3 ef 1 hide wait 0.2 sound se 12 bg 1 shake y 6 15 wait 0.5 bg 1 stopshake wait 1 bg 2 scaling - - 0.5 1.1 1.1 ch 2 face @sad ch 2 scale 1 1 ch 2 pos /0 /-80 waitclick ch 2 talk Chika ||What are you two doing?!|| 13 + bg 5 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 2 move - - 0.6 /0 /180 ch 2 show 0.6 wait 0.6 waitclick [player] ||She's awake.|| ch 2 hide wait 0.2 ch 1 pos @right ch 2 pos @left ch 1 scale 1 1 ch 1 show ch 2 show wait 0.2 ch 1 talk Riko ||Sorry to come by out of the blue. I needed to talk to you about something.|| 14 ch 2 face @surprise ch 2 talk Chika ||About what?|| 15 [player] ||What were you so focused on reading, Chika?|| ch 2 face @sad ch 2 talk Chika U-Umm... 16 ch 1 face @sad ch 1 talk Riko ||Chika, just wondering, but are you worried about the song?|| 17 ch 2 face @surprise ch 2 talk Chika Huh? 18 ch 2 face @sad [player] ||I was thinking the same thing. You were acting strange when we talked about it this afternoon.|| [player] ||I know the lead-up to a show can be nerve-racking, so it's normal to worry until the last moment about the songs and dances.|| ch 2 face @surprise [player] ||If you're worried about that, I want to help you. I did say I'd do whatever I could to help!|| ch 1 face @smile ch 1 talk Riko ||I feel the same way. Besides, if it's about the song, it affects everyone in Aqours. Don't bottle it up inside.|| 19 ch 2 face @smile ch 2 talk Chika ||Thanks guys.|| 20 [player] ||But then again, I'm not part of your group so I don't have much right to make comments on your songs.|| ch 2 face @surprise ch 2 talk Chika ||That's not true! I'm happy that you want to help. And you guys are right. There's something about the song that bothers me. Will you hear me out?|| 21 + delay 1.5 ch 2 face @normal enddelay waitclick [player] ||Of course.|| ch 1 face @normal ch 1 talk Riko ||Let's hear it.|| 22 ch 2 face @smile ch 2 talk Chika Thanks. 23 ch 2 face @normal ch 2 talk Chika ||It's about the lyrics to the new song for the festival.|| 24 [player] ||Is this your notebook for lyrics? So that's what you were reading. Can I read them too?|| ch 2 face @smile ch 2 talk Chika ||Of course!|| 25 ch 1 face @sad ch 1 talk Riko ||You've been worried about the lyrics the whole time. I thought you shaped it out after asking everyone in Aqours for advice.|| 26 + wait 0.5 ch 2 face @sad waitclick [player] ||Come to think of it, you said the song-writing wasn't going smoothly when I first met you.|| ch 2 talk Chika ||I wrote the lyrics imagining the excitement and liveliness of a festival.|| 27 ch 2 face @normal close ch 2 talk Chika ||I wanted the people who come to see the show to leave feeling like they'd never had more fun.|| 28 [player] ||I can feel that in these lyrics, but they aren't finished yet, are they?|| ch 2 face @normal ch 2 talk Chika ||No. I always feel accomplished when I finish lyrics.|| 29 ch 2 face @sad ch 2 talk Chika ||But I didn't feel that this time. It's not like they're completely wrong for the song.|| 30 ch 1 face @surprise ch 1 talk Riko ||Is it like...something's missing?|| 31 ch 2 face @surprise ch 2 talk Chika ||Yeah, exactly!|| 32 [player] ||I know how that feels. It's like when you get dressed and feel something is wrong, then realize a button is missing.|| ch 1 face @sad ch 1 talk Riko ||That's a strange example.|| 33 [player] ||Well, something's missing, right? Maybe make it a little more festive.|| + wait 0.2 ch 1 face @sad waitclick ch 1 face @normal ch 1 talk Riko ||A festival is lively, just like you said, Chika.|| 34 ch 1 talk Riko ||Plus, there's the shouts of the people carrying the mikoshi shrine, the lights from the carts at night...|| 35 ch 1 hide ch 2 hide wait 0.2 ch 2 scale 1.2 1.2 ch 2 pos @center ch 2 pos @offset_l1 ch 2 face @normal ch 2 show wait 0.2 ch 2 talk Chika ||What about you? What does a festival make you think of?|| 36 [player] ||Good question. Hmm... It's not exactly what you're asking, but this is the first time I've helped out at a town festival.|| [player] ||I was surprised to see how many people are involved in getting a festival ready.|| [player] ||There are the people who plan it, promote it, provide the equipment, build the sets, decorate the town...|| [player] ||Everyone gets the town ready to make all the people happy. The festival I know is the product of that one wish everyone has in their hearts.|| ch 2 talk Chika ||Yeah, you're right. Lots of people support the festival. You can't have a festival without the people who make it, or the people who come to enjoy it.|| 37 + wait 0.2 ch 2 nod waitclick ch 2 talk Chika ||Festivals are made by everyone. Festivals come to be from the love in everyone's hearts!|| 38 ch 2 face @surprise ch 2 talk Chika ||Ah! Wait, hand me my notebook!|| 39 + delay 0.2 ch 2 shake x 5 8 enddelay delay 0.2 ch 2 stopshake enddelay waitclick [player] ||Oh, h-here you go!|| viewing enable fadesetting type Horizontal fadesetting flip disable fade out front 0.25 ch 2 hide 0 clear bg 5 scale 1.4 1.4 effection enable Back se 1 blur 2 0 ch 1 visual @riko @summer_private @normal ch 1 scale 1.4 1.4 ch 1 pos @left ch 1 pos @offset_l2 ch 1 pos /-30 /0 ch 1 plane 1 fadesetting flip enable fade in front 0.25 wait 0.25 ch 1 move - - 0.3 /30 /0 ch 1 show wait 0.4 ch 1 face @smile wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 1 talk Riko ||Looks like a light bulb has been lit.|| 40 [player] ||She's writing with such fury.|| [player] ||(Chika's eyes are shining. Everything will be fine.)|| viewing enable fadesetting type Default fade out front 0.5