#main &const Scenarios/ConstantValues/llas_constants &const @const_character &const @const_bg &const @const_default_preset &const @const_sound &const Scenarios/ConstantValues/llas_unique_dress ¯o @macro_voice_effect fade out front 0 viewing enable preload ui label|0|1|2|3|4 preload icon muse|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16 preload icon aqours|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|14|26|16 preload icon niji|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|14|39|16 preload ch 5 42009|40|41 preload ch 9 43009|42|43 preload ch 105 43009|44|45 preload ch 203 42009|46|47 preload ch 206 43008|48|49 preload ch 211 42005|50|51 preload bg 52 preload bg 53 preload bg 54 preload cg 55 waitload bg 1 load default|52 bg 2 load default|52 bg 2 scale 1.2 1.2 bg 3 load default|52 bg 3 scale 1.4 1.4 bg 3 hide bg 4 load default|52 bg 4 scale 1.4 1.4 bg 4 pos /250 /0 bg 4 hide bg 5 load default|54 bg 5 scale 1.2 1.2 bg 5 pos 0 /60 bg 6 load default|53 bg 6 scale 1.2 1.2 bg 6 pos 0 /60 movement keep bg5_move bg 5 movey - - 8.0 /-150 movement keep bg6_move bg 6 movey - - 8.0 /-150 fadesetting type Default fade in front 0.5 bgmfade in 0 bgmfade out 2.0 sound bgm 0 wait 1.5 bg 6 hide 1.8 wait 3.0 fadesetting type Default fadesetting flip disable fade out front 0.8 bg 5 hide 1.2 wait 0.6 fadesetting type Default fadesetting flip enable fade in front 0.8 wait 0.2 ch 1 create ch 1 visual @lanzhu @event_sr_5 ch 1 face @smile ch 1 scale @size_l1 ch 1 pos @center ch 1 pos @offset_l1 wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 1 talk Lanzhu ||Ahh, finally it's time for the pajama party.|| 1 viewing enable clear ch 1 hide 0.4 bg 2 hide 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 scale @size_m ch 1 pos @center ch 1 show wait 0.5 ch 2 create ch 2 visual @you @event_ur_9 ch 2 face @smile ch 2 pos @right_far ch 2 pos /20 /0 ch 2 move - - 0.3 /-20 /0 ch 2 show 0.3 wait 0.5 viewing disable ch 2 talk You ||Wow, those pajamas are so cute. They really suit you, Lanzhu!|| 2 ch 3 create ch 3 visual @shizuku @event_sr_9 ch 3 face @smile ch 3 pos @left_far ch 3 pos /-20 /0 ch 3 move - - 0.3 /20 /0 ch 3 show 0.3 wait 0.5 ch 3 talk Shizuku ||Yes, the luxurious pajamas you usually wear are lovely too, but the cute ones you have on now look perfect on you!|| 3 ch 2 face @normal ch 1 face @smile ch 1 jump 10 ch 1 talk Lanzhu ||Squee! Thanks! I've been so excited to finally try on the pajamas you all chose for me!|| 4 ch 3 face @normal ch 1 face @ex1 ch 1 talk Lanzhu ||I've been so excited for today that I've been visualizing myself wearing them in the dorm room every night!|| 5 viewing enable clear ch 1 hide ch 2 hide ch 3 hide bg 2 movex - - 0.5 /-60 bg 2 show 0.5 wait 0.7 ch 4 create ch 4 visual @kanata @event_ur_8 ch 4 face @smile ch 4 pos @center wait 0.3 ch 4 shake y 3 -4 viewing disable ch 4 talk Kanata ||*Giggle* Hearing that even makes me happy, Lanzhu.|| 6 + delay 0.5 ch 4 stopshake enddelay waitclick ch 5 create ch 5 visual @nico @event_ur_9 ch 5 face @normal ch 5 pos @right_far ch 5 pos /20 /0 ch 5 move - - 0.3 /-20 /0 ch 5 show 0.3 wait 0.5 ch 5 talk Nico ||Yeah, it really feels like picking them out for you was worth it.|| 7 + delay 0.1 ch 5 nod -10 enddelay waitclick ch 6 create ch 6 visual @rin @event_sr_9 ch 6 face @smile ch 6 pos @left_far ch 6 pos /-20 /0 ch 6 move - - 0.3 /20 /0 ch 6 show 0.3 wait 0.5 ch 6 talk Rin ||So let's party down in our pajamas today!|| 8 viewing enable clear ch 4 hide 0.4 ch 5 hide 0.4 ch 6 hide 0.4 bg 3 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 1 face @smile ch 1 scale @size_l1 ch 1 pos @center ch 1 pos @offset_l1 ch 1 show wait 0.3 viewing disable ch 1 talk Lanzhu ||Yeah, let's make this the best night ever!|| 9 + delay 0.1 ch 1 nod -10 enddelay waitclick bgm stop ch 1 face @ex1 ch 1 talk Lanzhu ||So I brought a little "thank you" for the pajamas! Here you go.|| 10 viewing enable clear delay 0.4 bgmfade in 0 bgmfade out 1.5 sound bgm 11 enddelay ch 1 hide 0.4 bg 3 hide 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 6 face @smile ch 6 pos @center ch 6 show wait 0.3 ch 6 jump 10 viewing disable ch 6 talk Rin ||Wow, so many sweets!|| 12 ch 5 face @normal ch 5 pos @right_far ch 5 pos /20 /0 ch 5 move - - 0.3 /-20 /0 ch 5 show 0.3 wait 0.5 ch 5 talk Nico ||Iced cookies, candy, macarons... They all look so cute! I'm excited just looking at them!|| 13 ch 2 face @normal ch 2 pos @left_far ch 2 pos /-20 /0 ch 2 move - - 0.3 /20 /0 ch 2 show 0.3 wait 0.5 ch 2 jump 10 ch 2 talk You ||Oh, this candy is all the rage right now! I saw it on social media!|| 14 viewing enable clear ch 2 hide ch 5 hide ch 6 hide bg 2 movex - - 0.5 /60 wait 0.7 ch 3 face @smile ch 3 pos @left_far ch 3 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 3 talk Shizuku ||And these macarons are limited edition cherry flavor ones! They look so tasty.|| 15 ch 1 face @smile ch 1 scale @size_m ch 1 pos @center ch 1 show wait 0.3 ch 1 shake y 3 -4 ch 1 talk Lanzhu ||*Giggle* I'm glad you're all pleased. Go ahead and eat up, I brought plenty!|| 16 + delay 0.5 ch 1 stopshake enddelay waitclick ch 3 face @normal ch 6 face @smile ch 6 pos @right_far ch 6 show wait 0.3 ch 6 talk Rin ||Sure! Oh yeah, I brought lots of sweets too, Lanzhu. So go ahead and have some of mine too!|| 17 + delay 0.1 ch 6 nod -10 enddelay delay 1.0 ch 6 face @normal enddelay waitclick ch 1 face @normal ch 6 hide wait 0.2 ch 5 face @normal ch 5 pos @right_far ch 5 show wait 0.2 ch 5 talk Nico ||Have some of my specially-made muffins too. I figured we'd probably want something salty, so I made them as snacks.|| 18 ch 3 face @smile ch 3 talk Shizuku ||I brought some sweets too, actually. Have some, everyone!|| 19 viewing enable clear ch 1 hide ch 3 hide ch 5 hide bg 2 movex - - 0.5 /-60 wait 0.7 ch 2 face @smile ch 2 pos @right_far ch 2 show wait 0.3 ch 2 shake y 3 -4 viewing disable ch 2 talk You ||*Giggle* We all had the same idea, I see. I brought some too, so let's all share them together!|| 20 + delay 0.5 ch 2 stopshake enddelay waitclick ch 4 face @smile ch 4 pos @center ch 4 show wait 0.2 ch 4 talk Kanata ||Agreed! Let the sweets party begin!|| 21 ch 1 face @smile ch 1 pos @left_far ch 1 show wait 0.3 ch 1 jump 10 ch 1 talk Lanzhu ||Squee! Where should I even start?!|| 22 bgm stop viewing enable clear ch 1 hide 0.4 ch 2 hide 0.4 ch 4 hide 0.4 bg 4 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 scale @size_l1 ch 1 pos @left ch 1 pos @offset_l1 ch 1 show wait 0.5 ch 4 face @smile ch 4 scale @size_l1 ch 4 pos @right ch 4 pos @offset_l1 ch 4 pos /20 /0 ch 4 move - - 0.3 /-20 /0 ch 4 show 0.3 wait 0.5 viewing disable ch 4 talk Kanata ||Open up for one of my handmade madeleines!|| 23 bgmfade in 0 bgmfade out 1.0 sound bgm 24 viewing enable clear cg 2 load card|55 cg 2 scale 1.4 1.4 cg 2 pivot top cg 2 pos 0 /-140 cg 2 scaling - - 0.6 1.6 1.6 cg 2 show 0.5 wait 0.8 ch 1 hide ch 4 hide bg 2 hide bg 4 hide viewing disable ch 1 talk Lanzhu *Munch*...Mmm! 25 ch 1 talk Lanzhu ||This is totally delicious! Thanks, Kanata♪|| 26 ch 4 talk Kanata ||*Giggle* You're welcome!|| 27 cg 1 load card|55 cg 1 show 0.4 wait 0.6 cg 2 hide ch 6 talk Rin ||Lucky you, Kanata. Try one of mine next, Lanzhu!|| 28 ch 2 talk You ||And mine! I've always been crazy about these chocolates!|| 29 ch 1 talk Lanzhu ||Squee! I'm in heaven! I'm happy to try all of your sweets!|| 30 bgm stop viewing enable clear cg 1 hide 0.4 wait 0.7 ch 3 face @smile ch 3 pos @center ch 3 show wait 0.3 ch 3 jump 10 viewing disable ch 3 talk Shizuku ||Oh, right! There's something I wanted to do with everyone while we ate sweets!|| 31 viewing enable fadesetting type Default fade out front 0.5