#main &const Scenarios/ConstantValues/llas_constants &const @const_character &const @const_bg &const @const_sound &const @const_default_preset ¯o @macro_voice_effect fade out front 0 viewing enable preload ui label|0|1|2|3|4 preload icon niji|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19 preload icon muse|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|17|29|19 preload icon aqours|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|17|39|19 preload bg 40 preload bg 41 preload ch 102 43003|42|43 preload ch 203 43002|44|45 preload ch 9 42003|46|47 preload ch 103 42004|48|49 preload ch 208 42002|50|51 preload ch 5 4|52|53 preload cg 54 waitload bg 1 load default|40 bg 1 scale 1.2 1.2 ch 1 create ch 1 visual @riko 43003 @smile ch 1 pos @left ch 1 color #C8C8C8FF ch 1 pos /50 /-50 ch 2 create ch 2 visual @shizuku 43002 @smile ch 2 pos @left_far ch 2 color #C8C8C8FF ch 2 pos /0 /-50 ch 3 create ch 3 visual @nico 42003 @smile ch 3 pos @center ch 3 color #C8C8C8FF ch 3 pos /0 /-50 ch 4 create ch 4 visual @kanan 42004 @smile ch 4 pos @right ch 4 color #C8C8C8FF ch 4 pos /-50 /-50 ch 5 create ch 5 visual @emma 42002 @smile ch 5 pos @right_far ch 5 color #C8C8C8FF ch 5 pos /0 /-50 ch 5 depth 3 ch 6 create ch 6 visual @rin @winter_private ch 6 face @sad close ch 6 pos @center ch 6 scale @size_l1 ch 6 pos @offset_l1 ch 6 pos /0 /-40 ch 6 hide bgmfade in 0 bgmfade out 1 sound bgm 0 fade in front 0.5 wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 1 talk ch 2 talk ch 3 talk ch 4 talk ch 5 talk label other ||Nico, Kanan, Emma, Shizuku, Riko|| Ahaha! 1 bgm stop viewing enable ch 1 hide ch 2 hide ch 3 hide ch 4 hide ch 5 hide wait 0.2 sound se 2 wait 1.4 bg 2 load default|40 bg 2 scale 1.4 1.4 bg 2 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 1 face @surprise ch 1 pos @center ch 1 scale @size_l1 ch 1 pos @offset_l1 ch 1 pos /0 /-40 ch 1 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 1 talk Riko ||Hm? What's that sound?|| 3 sound bgm 4 viewing enable ch 1 hide wait 0.2 ch 4 face @surprise ch 4 pos @left_near ch 4 scale @size_l1 ch 4 pos @offset_l1 ch 4 pos /10 /-40 ch 4 movex - - 0.2 /-10 ch 4 show 0.2 wait 0.4 viewing disable ch 4 talk Kanan ||Look! The stone door!|| 5 ch 5 face @surprise ch 5 pos @right ch 5 scale @size_l1 ch 5 pos @offset_l1 ch 5 pos /10 /-40 ch 5 movex - - 0.2 /-10 ch 5 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 5 talk Emma ||It's open!|| 6 viewing enable ch 4 hide ch 5 hide wait 0.2 bg 3 load default|41 bg 3 scale 1.2 1.2 bg 3 hide 0 bg 4 load default|41 bg 4 scale 1.4 1.4 bg 4 show 0.8 wait 1 ch 1 color white ch 1 face @sad ch 1 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 1 jump 5 ch 1 talk Riko ||S-So blindingly bright!|| 7 bgm stop viewing enable bg 6 load empty 1 bg 6 color #ffffffff bg 6 show 0.5 wait 1.5 cg 1 load card|54 cg 1 show 0 ch 1 hide 0 bg 1 hide 0 bg 2 hide 0 bg 6 hide 2 wait 2.2 viewing disable label @rin Rin ... 8 sound bgm 9 wait 0.2 label @shizuku Shizuku ||O-Oh Divine One!|| 10 label @riko Riko ||Divine One? Wait, Rin?!|| 11 label @nico Nico ||That is not the Rin you know. She is the goddess of this Moon World!|| 12 viewing enable ch 6 show 0 bg 3 show 0 cg 1 hide 0.5 wait 0.7 viewing disable label @rin Rin ... 13 viewing enable ch 6 hide bg 4 hide 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 5 color white ch 5 face @smile ch 5 pos @right ch 5 scale @size_m ch 5 pos /0 /-50 ch 5 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 5 talk Emma ||Thank goodness! The goddess has finally made an appearance!|| 14 viewing enable ch 5 hide wait 0.2 ch 2 color white ch 2 face @sad ch 2 movex - - 0.2 /10 ch 2 show 0.2 wait 0.4 viewing disable ch 2 talk Shizuku ||Divine One, why did you go into hiding in that cave?|| 15 ch 3 color white ch 3 face @sad ch 3 pos @right_far ch 3 pos /0 /-50 ch 3 movex - - 0.2 /-10 ch 3 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 3 talk Nico ||Did we do something wrong?|| 16 bgm stop viewing enable ch 3 hide ch 2 hide bg 4 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 6 show wait 0.2 viewing disable label @rin Rin ... 17 ch 6 eye open wait 0.2 ch 6 talk Rin ||I was asleep.|| 18 ch 6 hide wait 0.2 ch 2 face @surprise ch 3 face @surprise ch 2 show ch 3 show wait 0.2 ch 2 talk ch 3 talk label other ||Nico, Shizuku|| ||Excuse me?|| 19 bgmfade out 0.5 sound bgm 20 viewing enable ch 6 hide ch 2 hide ch 3 hide bg 4 hide 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 6 face @sad close ch 6 pos @center ch 6 scale @size_m ch 6 pos /0 /-50 ch 6 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 6 talk Rin ||I get sleepy when the temperature drops. I've just been so sleepy for some reason lately.|| 21 ch 4 color white ch 4 pos @left_far ch 4 scale @size_m ch 4 pos /-10 /-50 ch 4 movex - - 0.2 /10 ch 4 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 4 talk Kanan ||You were asleep? In the cave?|| 22 ch 6 eye open ch 6 talk Rin Uh-huh. 23 ch 5 face @ex1 ch 5 pos @right_far ch 5 pos /10 /-50 ch 5 movex - - 0.2 /-10 ch 5 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 5 talk Emma ||Why inside the cave?|| 24 ch 6 face @normal ch 6 talk Rin ||Cramped spaces make me feel calm, for some reason. But then I woke up after hearing all of the fun going on outside.|| 25 ch 6 hide ch 5 hide ch 4 hide wait 0.2 ch 3 depth 5 ch 2 depth 5 ch 5 depth 3 ch 4 depth 3 ch 3 face @sad ch 3 pos @right_near ch 3 pos /0 /-50 ch 3 show wait 0.2 ch 3 talk Nico ||You were asleep this whole time?|| 26 ch 2 face @sad close ch 2 pos @left_near ch 2 pos /0 /-50 ch 2 show wait 0.2 ch 2 talk Shizuku ||So that's why you didn't respond to all of us calling out to you.|| 27 ch 5 face @sad ch 5 pos @right_far ch 5 pos /0 /-50 ch 5 show wait 0.2 ch 5 talk Emma ||Seems like it.|| 28 ch 4 face @normal ch 4 show wait 0.2 ch 4 talk Kanan ||Well, anyway, now we've got the moon back.|| 29 ch 4 hide ch 5 hide ch 3 hide ch 2 hide wait 0.2 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 pos @center ch 1 scale @size_m ch 1 pos /0 /-50 ch 1 show wait 0.2 ch 1 talk Riko ||So I guess that means we've settled this dilemma?|| 30 ch 2 face @normal ch 2 pos @left ch 2 pos /-10 /-50 ch 2 movex - - 0.2 /10 ch 2 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 2 talk Shizuku ||Thank you very much for your assistance. We could not have done it without you, Riko.|| 31 ch 2 hide ch 1 hide wait 0.2 ch 5 face @smile ch 4 face @smile ch 3 face @smile ch 3 pos @center ch 3 pos /50 /-50 ch 3 show ch 4 show ch 5 show wait 0.2 ch 3 jump 10 ch 3 talk ch 4 talk ch 5 talk label other ||Nico, Kanan, Emma|| *Chuckle* 32 ch 3 hide ch 4 hide ch 5 hide wait 0.2 ch 1 face @smile ch 1 show wait 0.2 ch 1 talk Riko ||Not at all. I had fun as well.|| 33 viewing enable ch 1 hide bg 4 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 pos @left ch 1 scale @size_l1 ch 1 pos @offset_l1 ch 1 pos /0 /-40 ch 1 show wait 0.2 ch 6 face @smile ch 6 pos @right ch 6 scale @size_l1 ch 6 pos @offset_l1 ch 6 pos /10 /-40 ch 6 movex - - 0.2 /-10 ch 6 show 0.2 wait 0.4 viewing disable ch 6 talk Rin ||Looks like you helped all of us out, Riko. Thanks!|| 34 ch 6 face @normal ch 6 talk Rin ||I'd love to stay and chat, but it's time for you to leave. Everyone is worried and looking for you right now.|| 35 ch 1 face @surprise ch 1 talk Riko ||Who's looking for me?|| 36 bgm stop viewing enable fadesetting type Default fade out front 0.5 wait 0.5 bg 4 hide 0 ch 6 hide 0 ch 1 hide 0 bg 5 load empty bg 5 color black bg 5 show 0 fadesetting flip enable fade in front 0.5 wait 0.5 viewing disable %voice_recollect label @kanan ??? ||Hellooo? Rikooo?|| 37 %voice_recollect label @nico ??? Rikooo! 38 ch 1 color #C8C8C8FF ch 1 face @sad ch 1 pos @center ch 1 scale @size_l1 ch 1 pos @offset_l1 ch 1 pos /0 /-40 ch 1 show wait 0.2 ch 1 talk Riko ||Those voices... Kanan and Nico? But why?|| 39 %voice_recollect label @emma ??? Rikooo! 40 %voice_recollect label @shizuku ??? ||Hey, Rikooo!|| 41 ch 1 face @surprise wait 0.2 ch 1 jump 5 ch 1 talk Riko ||Wait, huh?! Everyone's gone! But they were here just a second ago...|| 42 %voice_recollect label @rin ??? ||Rikooo! Come on out!|| 43 ch 1 face @sad ch 1 talk Riko ||I gotta go! Hey! I'm over here!|| 44 viewing enable sound se 45 ch 1 movex - - 0.4 /30 ch 1 hide 0.4 fadesetting type Default fade out front 2