#main &const Scenarios/ConstantValues/llas_constants &const @const_character &const @const_bg &const @const_sound &const @const_default_preset fade out front 0 viewing enable preload ui label|0|1|2|3|4 preload icon niji|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19 preload icon muse|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|17|29|19 preload icon aqours|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|17|39|19 preload bg 40 preload ch 4 42002|41|42 preload ch 109 42002|43|44 preload ch 206 42002|45|46 preload ch 107 43002|47|48 preload ch 208 43002|49|50 preload ch 8 43003|51|52 preload cg 53 preload cg 54 waitload bg 1 load default|40 ch 1 create ch 1 visual @umi 42002 ch 1 face @sad close ch 1 pos @left ch 1 pos /-60 ch 1 hide ch 2 create ch 2 visual @hanayo 43003 @normal ch 2 pos @right_far ch 2 pos /40 ch 2 hide ch 3 create ch 3 visual @hanamaru 43002 @surprise ch 3 pos @right_far ch 3 pos /10 ch 3 hide ch 4 create ch 4 visual @ruby 42002 @normal ch 4 pos @right_near ch 4 hide ch 5 create ch 5 visual @emma 43002 @normal ch 5 pos @center ch 6 create ch 6 visual @kanata 42002 @surprise ch 6 pos @left ch 6 pos /-60 ch 6 hide bgmfade in 0 bgmfade out 1 sound bgm 0 fade in front 0.5 wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 5 jump 5 ch 5 talk Emma ||Oh, Hanayo and Ruby are back.|| 1 ch 2 movex - - 0.2 /-10 ch 2 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 2 talk Hanayo ||Hmm? You all finished so early.|| 2 ch 1 movex - - 0.2 /10 ch 1 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 1 talk Umi ||No, it was you two who took your sweet time. Just how far did you go?|| 3 + delay 3.2 ch 1 eye open enddelay waitclick viewing enable ch 5 hide ch 1 hide ch 2 hide wait 0.2 ch 4 movex - - 0.2 /-10 ch 4 show 0.2 wait 0.4 viewing disable ch 4 talk Ruby ||We kind of hiked up the mountain.|| 4 ch 6 movex - - 0.2 /10 ch 6 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 6 talk Kanata ||You went all the way up the mountain? You must be ready to drop. Come on and take a load off.|| 5 ch 4 face @sad close ch 4 talk Ruby ||Thank you, I'm so pooped.|| 6 viewing enable ch 4 hide ch 6 hide bg 2 load default|40 bg 2 scale 1.2 1.2 bg 2 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 pos @center ch 1 scale @size_l1 ch 1 pos @offset_l1 ch 1 show wait 0.2 ch 2 face @surprise ch 2 pos @right ch 2 scale @size_l1 ch 2 pos @offset_l1 ch 2 pos /60 ch 2 movex - - 0.2 /-10 ch 2 show 0.2 wait 0.4 viewing disable ch 2 talk Hanayo ||Huh? Umi, did you get wet?|| 7 ch 1 face @sad ch 1 talk Umi ||Even though I've dried off quite a bit, you can still tell?|| 8 ch 4 face @surprise ch 4 pos @left_far ch 4 scale @size_l1 ch 4 pos @offset_l1 ch 4 movex - - 0.2 /10 ch 4 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 4 talk Ruby ||Did something happen?|| 9 bgm stop ch 1 eye close wait 0.2 ch 1 talk Umi ||The thing is...|| 10 viewing enable cg 1 load card|53 cg 1 show 0.5 wait 0.5 sound bgm 11 wait 0.2 ch 2 hide ch 4 hide viewing disable label @umi Umi ||While I was fishing on the river bank, I lost my footing, and I fell right in the water.|| 12 label @hanamaru Hanamaru ||River banks tend to be pretty slippery. I'm glad you didn't get hurt at all, zura.|| 13 label @umi Umi ||Yes, I'm very grateful for that.|| 14 viewing enable bg 2 hide 0 ch 1 pos @center ch 1 scale @size_m ch 1 face @sad cg 1 hide 0.5 wait 0.7 viewing disable ch 1 talk Umi ||I'm just very disappointed that the big catch I had on the hook managed to slip away.|| 15 ch 2 face @normal ch 2 pos @right ch 2 scale @size_m ch 2 pos /40 ch 2 movex - - 0.2 /-10 ch 2 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 2 talk Hanayo ||Oh, that's so sad.|| 16 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 talk Umi ||But don't worry, Kanata was able to catch plenty of fish for us.|| 17 ch 5 face @smile ch 5 pos @left_far ch 5 pos /-10 ch 5 movex - - 0.2 /10 ch 5 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 5 talk Emma ||Oh my gosh, Kanata! You're so good at fishing.|| 18 viewing enable ch 5 hide ch 1 hide ch 2 hide bg 2 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 6 face @smile ch 6 pos @center ch 6 scale @size_l1 ch 6 pos @offset_l1 ch 6 pos /-10 ch 6 movex - - 0.2 /10 ch 6 show 0.2 wait 0.4 viewing disable ch 6 talk Kanata ||I'm terrible at fishing. The weather was so nice that it was putting me right to sleep. But I couldn't let that happen, so I used a branch to catch the fish. Like, hyah!|| 19 ch 3 pos @right_far ch 3 scale @size_l1 ch 3 pos @offset_l1 ch 3 pos /10 ch 3 movex - - 0.2 /-10 ch 3 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 3 talk Hanamaru ||Hyah? Does that mean you harpooned them? With a tree branch? That's amazing, zura. No way I could do that, zura.|| 20 ch 1 face @normal close ch 1 pos @left_far ch 1 scale @size_l1 ch 1 pos @offset_l1 ch 1 pos /30 ch 1 movex - - 0.2 /10 ch 1 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 1 talk Umi ||Her concentration was second to none. With every strike she caught at least two fish!|| 21 + delay 4 ch 1 eye open enddelay waitclick viewing enable ch 3 hide ch 6 hide ch 1 hide bg 2 hide 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 6 pos @center ch 6 scale @size_m ch 6 show wait 0.2 ch 2 face @surprise ch 2 pos @right_far ch 2 pos /-40 ch 2 movex - - 0.2 /-10 ch 2 show 0.2 wait 0.4 viewing disable ch 2 talk Hanayo ||Th-That's so amazing. I think you can call that a special skill.|| 22 ch 6 talk Kanata ||It went a lot better than I thought it would. I surprised myself too!|| 23 ch 5 face @normal ch 5 pos /-10 ch 5 movex - - 0.2 /10 ch 5 show 0.2 wait 0.4 ch 5 talk Emma ||You developed an awesome new skill at this fall harvest festival.|| 24 bgm stop ch 5 hide ch 2 hide ch 6 hide wait 0.2 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 pos @left ch 1 scale @size_m ch 1 show ch 3 pos @right ch 3 face @normal ch 3 scale @size_m ch 3 show wait 0.2 ch 1 talk Umi ||By the way, how did things go for everyone else? Were you able to harvest anything?|| 25 ch 3 face @smile ch 3 talk Hanamaru ||Perfectly, zura. We got enough food to make sure everyone can stuff themselves.|| 26 sound bgm 27 viewing enable cg 2 load card|54 cg 2 show 0.4 cg 3 load card|54 cg 3 color #ffffff70 wait 0.4 cg 3 scaling - - 0.4 1.2 1.2 cg 3 hide 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 3 hide ch 1 hide viewing disable label @hanayo Hanayo ||That's good to hear. We picked a lot too. Right, Ruby?|| 28 label @ruby Ruby ||Yep! Look at this mushroom mountain!|| 29 viewing enable ch 2 face @smile ch 2 pos @center ch 2 show 0 cg 2 hide 0.4 wait 0.6 viewing disable ch 2 talk Hanayo ||Since I'm sure everyone is starving, let's get this barbecue started!|| 30 ch 2 hide wait 0.2 ch 5 face @smile ch 5 pos @right ch 5 show ch 1 pos @left ch 1 show wait 0.2 ch 5 nod -15 ch 5 talk Emma ||Yeah, I wonder what we'll make from all these ingredients.|| 31 ch 1 eye close ch 1 talk Umi ||I have to recover some of my honor through cooking.|| 32 viewing enable ch 1 hide ch 5 hide bg 2 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 6 pos @center ch 6 scale @size_l1 ch 6 pos @offset_l1 ch 6 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 6 jump 10 ch 6 talk Kanata ||Okaaay! I'm gonna pull out all the stops.|| 33 viewing enable fadesetting type Default fade out front 1