#main &const Scenarios/ConstantValues/llas_constants &const @const_character &const @const_bg &const @const_sound &const @const_default_preset &const Scenarios/ConstantValues/llas_unique_dress ¯o @macro_voice_effect fade out front 0 click disable preload ui label|0|1|2|3|4 preload icon niji|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19 preload icon muse|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|17|29|19 preload icon aqours|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|17|39|19 preload ch 2 1|40|41 preload ch 6 1|42|43 preload ch 102 1|44|45 preload ch 106 42001|46|47 preload ch 204 42001|48|49 preload ch 202 1|50|51 preload ch 5008 9001|52|53 preload bg 54 preload bg 55 preload bg 56 preload bg 57 preload bg 58 preload bg 59 preload cg 60 waitload bg 1 load default|56 bg 2 load default|56 bg 3 load default|56 bg 4 load empty bg 2 scale 1.2 1.2 bg 3 scale 1.4 1.4 bg 4 plane 1 bg 4 hide 0 cg 1 load card|60 cg 1 hide 0 effection enable Back se 1 blur 1.2 0 bgmfade in 1 bgmfade out 1 sound bgm 0 fadesetting type Default fadesetting flip enable fade in front 0.5 ch 1 create ch 1 visual @yoshiko @event_sr_1 @smile ch 1 scale 1.4 1.4 ch 1 pos @center ch 1 pos @offset_l2 ch 1 plane 3 ch 1 show wait 0.4 viewing disable animation ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||Shing! With my jet-black wings at hand, I have nothing to fear!|| 1 viewing enable ch 1 hide wait 0.2 se 1 blur 0 0.4 bg 3 hide 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 2 create ch 2 visual @karin @event_sr_1 @surprise ch 2 face @smile ch 2 scale 1 1 ch 2 pos @left ch 2 plane 1 ch 2 show ch 1 face @normal ch 1 pos @right ch 1 scale 1 1 ch 1 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 2 talk Karin ||I'm glad we got our hands on such a lovely bouquet. I just know Riko's going to love them.|| 2 ch 2 face @ex1 ch 2 talk Karin ||But are black lilies really her thing...?|| 3 ch 1 face @normal close ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||Mwa ha ha... Lili is my servant who hath pledged her allegiance to me in an oath older than time itself! Of course she will rejoice! She must, as my little demon!|| 4 + delay 1.2 ch 1 face @smile enddelay waitclick ch 1 face @normal ch 2 face @surprise ch 2 talk Karin ||Servant? I don't really get it, but it sounds like you two are really close.|| 5 + delay 2.2 ch 2 face @smile enddelay waitclick ch 2 face @normal ch 2 talk Karin ||I know we have some time to spare, but why don't we just head over there early? You have the map to the concert hall, right?|| 6 ch 1 face @sad ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||I do... I do, but!|| 7 + delay 1.2 ch 1 eye close enddelay delay 2 ch 1 face @angry enddelay waitclick ch 1 eye open ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||This map of the magic metropolis Tokyo is way too complicated for me to decipher!|| 8 + delay 2 ch 1 jump enddelay delay 0.4 ch 1 jump enddelay waitclick ch 2 face @normal ch 2 talk Karin ||Could I have a look? You're right, it looks pretty far from the station.|| 9 + delay 1.2 ch 2 face @surprise enddelay waitclick ch 2 face @ex1 ch 2 talk Karin ||I'm not that great at reading maps either. Sometimes I wind up getting completely turned around...|| 10 ch 1 face @surprise ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||You mean to tell me that even YOUR powers are not enough to conquer the magic metropolis Tokyo?!|| 11 ch 1 face @sad close ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||What should we do? We're never gonna make it to the concert hall at this rate.|| 12 + delay 1.5 ch 1 eye open enddelay waitclick ch 1 eye close ch 1 shake x 6 8 ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||If this goes on, we'll be swept away by the cursed waves of the magic metropolis! We'll be plunged into its depths with no hope for salvation! *Burble* *Glurble*|| 13 + ch 1 move - - 0.4 /0 /-40 delay 0.4 ch 1 stopshake enddelay waitclick ch 2 hide letterbox show 0.2 20% 2 wait 0.2 ch 2 face @surprise ch 2 scale 1.4 1.4 ch 2 pos @left ch 2 pos @offset_l2 ch 2 show wait 0.2 %voice_recollect ch 2 talk Karin ||(I'm her senior. I have to take the lead to put her at ease!)|| 14 viewing enable letterbox hide 0.2 ch 1 hide ch 2 hide wait 0.2 bg 4 show 0.6 wait 1 cg 1 show 0 wait 0.1 bg 4 hide 0.4 wait 0.6 viewing disable label @karin Karin ||Leave it to me, Yoshiko!|| 15 label @karin Karin ||There's nothing to worry about. We WILL make it to that concert hall!|| 16 label @yoshiko Yoshiko ||Wow... I knew I could count on you, Karin! With these jet-black wings in our possession and our powers combined, we can conquer even the magic metropolis Tokyo!|| 17 label @karin Karin ||*Chuckle* You're in good hands with me here! Just follow my lead!|| 18 bgm stop viewing enable sound se 19 fadesetting type SlimStripeHorizontal fadesetting flip disable fade out front 1.5 cg 1 hide 0 bg 1 load default|55 bg 2 load default|55 bg 3 load default|55 ch 1 face @normal ch 2 face @normal ch 1 scale 1.2 1.2 ch 2 scale 1.2 1.2 ch 2 pos @left ch 1 pos @offset_l1 ch 2 pos @offset_l1 se 1 blur 1.2 0 ch 1 hide 0 ch 2 hide 0 fadesetting flip enable wait 1 fade in front 1.5 wait 1.5 sound bgm 20 se 1 blur 0 0.4 ch 1 show ch 2 show wait 0.6 viewing disable ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||So the concert hall's this way, Karin?|| 21 ch 2 face @ex1 ch 2 talk Karin ||Uh... Apparently not. Maybe it's on the next street down?|| 22 ch 1 face @smile ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||That makes sense! Then let's head back to the intersection.|| 23 bgm stop viewing enable sound se 19 fadesetting type SlimStripeHorizontal fadesetting flip disable fade out front 1.5 cg 1 hide 0 bg 1 load default|58 bg 2 load default|58 bg 3 load default|58 ch 1 face @normal ch 2 face @sad ch 1 hide 0 ch 2 hide 0 fadesetting flip enable wait 1 fade in front 1.5 wait 1.5 bgmfade in 0 sound bgm 24 se 1 blur 0 0.4 ch 1 show ch 2 show wait 0.6 viewing disable ch 1 face @sad ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||I don't think the concert hall is inside a restaurant...|| 25 ch 2 face @ex1 ch 2 talk Karin ||Probably not, huh? Boy, that's weird...|| 26 ch 1 face @surprise ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||Oh, I know! What if the map's just upside down?|| 27 + ch 1 jump delay 1.2 ch 1 face @smile enddelay waitclick ch 2 face @smile ch 2 talk Karin ||I see... So if this is north, then we should just go back the way we came, right?|| 28 + ch 2 nod waitclick ch 1 face @normal close ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||Heh heh heh! There are no mysteries the great Yohane cannot solve!|| 29 + delay 3 ch 1 eye open enddelay waitclick bgm stop viewing enable sound se 19 fadesetting type SlimStripeHorizontal fadesetting flip disable fade out front 1.5 cg 1 hide 0 bg 1 load default|59 bg 2 load default|59 bg 3 load default|59 ch 1 face @surprise ch 2 face @surprise ch 1 hide 0 ch 2 hide 0 fadesetting flip enable wait 1 fade in front 1.5 wait 1.5 sound bgm 30 se 1 blur 0 0.4 ch 1 show ch 2 show wait 0.6 viewing disable ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||No way...|| 31 ch 2 face @smile ch 2 talk Karin ||I had no idea there was a pocket of countryside like this right here in the big city! Amazing!|| 32 + ch 2 jump waitclick viewing enable ch 1 hide ch 2 hide wait 0.2 bg 3 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 5 create ch 5 visual @alpaca_male @sub_dress_1 ch 5 scale 1 1 ch 5 pos @center ch 5 plane 1 ch 5 show wait 0.2 viewing disable label other Alpaca Baaa! 33 viewing enable ch 5 hide wait 0.2 bg 3 hide 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 1 face @smile ch 2 face @smile ch 1 show ch 2 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||What a cute little alpaca! I can make you one of my little demons, if you like... I mean, wait, no!|| 34 + delay 2.5 ch 1 face @angry enddelay waitclick ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||We were supposed to be walking to the concert hall, but there's no concert hall in sight!|| 35 + ch 1 jump delay 0.4 ch 1 jump enddelay waitclick ch 2 face @sad close ch 2 talk Karin ||Oh geez... I hope we can make it in time for the recital.|| 36 viewing enable ch 1 hide ch 2 hide wait 0.2 bg 3 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 1 face @angry ch 1 scale 1.4 1.4 ch 1 pos @center ch 1 pos @offset_l2 ch 1 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 1 talk Yoshiko ||UGH! Where are you, Lili?!|| 37 + ef 1 load intensive ef 1 play ch 1 jump waitclick viewing enable fadesetting type Default fade out front 2