#main &const Scenarios/ConstantValues/llas_constants &const @const_character &const @const_bg &const @const_sound &const @const_default_preset fade out front 0 click disable preload ui label|0|1|2|3|4 preload icon niji|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19 preload icon muse|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|17|29|19 preload icon aqours|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|17|39|19 preload ch 101 33001|40|41 preload ch 101 33001 99|42 preload ch 102 42001|43|44 preload ch 102 42001 99|45 preload ch 7 43001|46|47 preload ch 7 43001 99|48 preload ch 8 32001|49|50 preload ch 8 32001 99|51 preload ch 208 42001|52|53 preload ch 208 42001 99|54 preload ch 208 42001 6|52|53 preload bg 55 preload cg 56 waitload bg 1 load default|55 bg 2 load default|55 cg 1 load card|56 bg 2 scale 1.4 1.4 cg 1 scale 1.6 1.6 bg 2 hide 0 cg 1 hide 0 bgmfade in 1 bgmfade out 1 sound bgm 0 fadesetting type Default fadesetting flip enable fade in front 0.5 wait 0.4 delay 0.5 click enable enddelay ch 1 create ch 1 visual @hanayo 32001 @surprise ch 1 scale 1 1 ch 1 color #C8C8C8FF ch 1 pos @center ch 1 pos /30 /0 ch 1 move - - 0.3 /-30 /0 ch 1 show wait 0.4 window show animation ch 1 talk Hanayo ||Wow, this is amazing! There are so many stars!|| 1 + ch 1 jump waitclick ch 2 create ch 2 visual @nozomi 43001 @smile ch 2 color #C8C8C8FF ch 2 scale 1 1 ch 2 pos @right_far ch 2 show wait 0.2 ch 2 talk Nozomi ||The entire sky is full of stars. It's so pretty, it's putting me in a trance.|| 2 ch 3 create ch 3 visual @chika 33001 @surprise ch 3 color #C8C8C8FF ch 3 scale 1 1 ch 3 pos @left_far ch 3 show wait 0.2 ch 3 talk Chika ||Huh, really? I'm used to seeing it, so it doesn't...|| 3 viewing enable ch 1 hide ch 2 hide ch 3 hide wait 0.2 bg 2 move - - 0.4 /80 /0 bg 2 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 3 visual @chika 33001 @sad ch 3 face @sad close ch 3 scale 1.4 1.4 ch 3 pos @center ch 3 pos @offset_l2 ch 3 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 3 talk Chika Achoo! 4 + ch 3 nod waitclick viewing enable bg 2 move - - 0.3 /200 /0 ch 3 move - - 0.3 /200 /0 wait 0.5 ch 1 visual @riko 42001 @surprise ch 1 scale 1.4 1.4 ch 1 pos @left ch 1 pos @offset_l2 ch 1 pos /-30 /0 ch 1 move - - 0.3 /30 /0 ch 1 show wait 0.4 viewing disable ch 1 talk Riko ||Are you okay? The wind is strong up on the rooftop, so maybe it's getting too chilly.|| 5 ch 3 eye open ch 3 talk Chika ||Yeah, I should've worn an extra layer.|| 6 viewing enable ch 1 hide ch 2 hide ch 3 hide wait 0.2 bg 2 hide 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 1 face @normal ch 1 scale 1 1 ch 3 scale 1 1 ch 1 pos @left ch 3 pos @right ch 1 show ch 3 show wait 0.2 ch 1 move - - 0.4 /-80 /0 ch 3 move - - 0.4 /80 /0 wait 0.6 ch 2 visual @emma 42001 @normal ch 2 scale 1 1 ch 2 pos @center ch 2 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 2 talk Emma ||In that case, want me to warm you up?|| 7 ch 3 face @smile ch 3 talk Chika ||Oh, really? But how?|| 8 + ch 3 jump delay 1.2 ch 3 face @surprise enddelay waitclick ch 2 eye close ch 2 talk Emma ||*Giggle* With a hug, of course!|| 9 + delay 1.2 ch 2 face @smile enddelay waitclick ch 1 face @surprise ch 1 talk Riko ||A hug?!|| 10 + ch 1 jump waitclick viewing enable ch 1 hide ch 2 hide ch 3 hide wait 0.2 bg 2 move - - 0.4 /-80 /0 bg 2 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 2 scale 1.4 1.4 ch 2 pos @left ch 2 pos @offset_l2 ch 2 move - - 0.3 /60 /0 ch 2 show ch 3 scale 1.4 1.4 ch 3 pos @right_near ch 3 pos @offset_l2 ch 3 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 3 shake y 2 9 ch 2 shake y 2 8 ch 2 talk Emma ||Yup! Hug, hug! If we press ourselves together like this, you'll warm up in no time.|| 11 + delay 0.4 ch 2 stopshake ch 3 stopshake enddelay waitclick ch 3 face @smile ch 3 talk Chika ||Wow! You're so warm, Emma!|| 12 ch 2 talk Emma ||Right? I'll make my warmth spread to you even more. Hug, hug!|| 13 ch 3 talk Chika ||Wow, this is so warm! I'm so happy!|| 14 ch 3 face @normal ch 3 talk Chika ||This doesn't only make me warm, it makes me feel safe, too.|| 15 ch 3 eye close ch 3 talk Chika ||It's like you know just what to do to help me relax. You're some sorta hugging expert!|| 16 ch 2 face @ex1 ch 2 talk Emma ||An expert? *Giggle* That's funny. I might not be an expert, but I'm pretty confident when it comes to my hugs.|| 17 + delay 1.2 ch 2 face @smile enddelay waitclick ch 2 face @normal ch 2 talk Emma ||My siblings would always bug me for one. When I hugged them, they would squeeze me back.|| 18 ch 3 face @normal ch 3 talk Chika ||I see. I think I get it. That's why your hugs feel so comforting.|| 19 + ch 3 nod waitclick ch 2 face @smile ch 2 talk Emma ||I guess so. We'd also huddle together as one and look up at the night sky, just like tonight.|| 20 ch 2 face @normal ch 2 talk Emma ||The nights in Switzerland are a little cooler than here, so we'd hug each other to stay warm while gazing up at the stars.|| 21 viewing enable ch 1 hide ch 2 hide ch 3 hide wait 0.2 cg 1 scaling - - 0.4 1 1 cg 1 show 0.4 wait 0.6 viewing disable label niji @emma Emma ||It was so much fun that we lost track of time while gazing. The starry sky back then was just as pretty as this one!|| 22 bg 2 hide 0 label aqours @chika Chika ||I see. So Switzerland's night skies are just as pretty as Uchiura's.|| 23 label aqours @chika Chika ||The more I hear about it, the more curious I am. I wanna go someday!|| 24 label niji @emma Emma ||Really? That would make me happy, but...|| 25 label niji @emma Emma ||I wonder if I would be a good host.|| 26 label niji @emma Emma ||Where should I take you? I don't even know how to describe Switzerland. It has a certain charm that I can't put into words.|| 27 viewing enable cg 1 hide 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 1 visual @emma 42001 @normal ch 1 scale 1 1 ch 1 pos @center ch 1 show wait 0.2 ch 2 visual @chika 33001 @smile ch 2 scale 1 1 ch 2 pos @right_far ch 2 pos /30 /0 ch 2 move - - 0.3 /-30 /0 ch 2 show wait 0.4 viewing disable ch 2 talk Chika ||Yeah, I know what you mean! I totally get it!|| 28 + ch 2 nod waitclick ch 1 hide ch 2 hide wait 0.2 ch 3 visual @hanayo 32001 @smile ch 3 scale 1 1 ch 3 pos @center ch 3 pos /30 /0 ch 3 move - - 0.3 /-30 /0 ch 3 show wait 0.4 ch 3 talk Hanayo ||*Giggle* Chika and Emma seem like they're having fun.|| 29 ch 2 visual @nozomi 43001 @normal ch 2 scale 1 1 ch 2 pos @right_far ch 2 pos /30 /0 ch 2 move - - 0.3 /-30 /0 ch 2 show wait 0.4 ch 2 talk Nozomi ||This conversation sounds pretty familiar.|| 30 ch 1 visual @riko 42001 @normal ch 1 scale 1 1 ch 1 pos @left_far ch 1 pos /-30 /0 ch 1 move - - 0.3 /30 /0 ch 1 show wait 0.4 ch 1 talk Riko ||Yes, but the two of them don't seem to notice.|| 31 viewing enable ch 1 hide ch 2 hide ch 3 hide wait 0.2 effection enable Back se 1 blur 1.2 0.4 bg 2 show 0.4 wait 0.6 ch 1 visual @emma 42001 @smile ch 1 scale 1.4 1.4 ch 1 pos @center ch 1 pos @offset_l2 ch 1 plane 1 ch 1 show wait 0.2 viewing disable ch 1 talk Emma ||Okay then. I'll try my best to guide you so that you'll love Switzerland!|| 32 + ch 1 nod waitclick viewing enable animation fade out front 0.5